Sunday, July 6, 2008

New Daily Homework Routine

In order to improve your critical reading and writing skills we'll use the following template:

-Read a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or The Economist article, choose any article that interests you. It doesn't have to be really long, but don't pick something really short either. A good length is about 250-800 words.

-Look up words you don't know and paste the word and its definition in a separate post. Collect the words into one post.
For example:
affluent: flowing in abundance
-Write 250- 350 words opinion piece about the article or an aspect of the article. Provide clear, descriptive, and insightful arguments.

-Link to article at the end of your post.
For example:
Response to: Surge in Enrollment Alters Schools

-Do this four times a week, once daily from Monday through Friday.

-I will check two or three of them a week.

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